
BalanceTop Functions

These functions are found in RoyaleEconomy.apiHandler.balanceTop:

To this section is introduced a new object: TopBalanceElement which contains the name, coins to display in string format and position of a player. It contains 3 functions: getName(), getCoinsDisplay(), getPosition(). The first two are strings and the third one is integer.

Functions from this class will return TopBalanceElements ^

getTopPurse(int position) - Returns the TopBalanceElement for player on the specified position (positions start from 1).

String topPlayerPurse = RoyaleEconomy.apiHandler.balanceTop.getTopPurse(1).getName();
String displayCoins = RoyaleEconomy.apiHandler.balanceTop.getTopPurse(1).getCoinsDisplay();

The same applies for functions getTopBank(int position), getTopSharedBank(int position).

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