Shops are quite dynamic. You can buy certain items from certain shops but you can sell every item to every shop, if it exists in a shop.
Shops have a lot of settings like the following: - Set Shop Open Permission - BackGround Glass Color Change - Shop Title Change - Highly Customizable Item Editor: - Sell Price Set (Set it to 0 for no selling) - Buy Price Set - Check Custom NBT (Detailed Setting) - For bulk buy edit the bulk buy slots - Selling items for items - Selling items for commands - Exclusive items for shops which can be sold in that shop only
The shops also have a sell history which remembers what items u sold and allows you to buy them back.
For bulk buy, if you set all item slots to 0, the shop won't allow the player to open the bulk buy menu.
All shops are 100% configurable in game, using /rec shop manager
Last updated