Every bank has a limit of coins as well as players (if we are talking about shared banks). Those limits are upgradable via bank upgrades. The interest can also increase with bank upgrades.
Upgrading a bank could require coins as well as permissions. It is configurable.
If you don't understand percentages from the example below, they will be explained in the next page.
#Indexes must be from 0 to max index
#0 is the default account everyone starts with
maximum-index: 4
name: '&aStarter Account'
- ''
- '&a>&m--------&r &6Interest Tranches &a&m--------&a<'
- ' &eFirst &610 &emillion coins yields &b2% &einterest.'
- ' &eFrom &610 &eto &615 &emillion yields &b1% &einterest.'
- ''
- ' &7Max interest: &6250,000'
- ' &8(With 15,000,000 balance)'
- '&a>&m---------------------------------&a<'
- ''
- '&7Max balance: &650 Million Coins'
- ''
- '&7This is the default account.'
maximum-balance: 50000000
#What you need to upgrade to this upgrade
coins: 0
permission: 'none'
deny-message: '&cYou don''t have enough coins to buy this upgrade!'
#You can add and edit more procents and the "first", "second" name of the percentage doesn't really matter
#For the amount of coins a player has it will receive a percentage from the category he is in
#Procents also stack
#For the example below if player has 13 million coins he will receive 2% from 10 million + 1% from 3 million (13 million - 10 million)
percent: 2
minimum-coins: 1
maximum-coins: 10000000
percent: 1
minimum-coins: 10000001
maximum-coins: 15000000
name: '&6Gold Account'
- ''
- '&6>&m--------&r &6Interest Tranches &6&m--------&6<'
- ' &eFirst &610 &emillion coins yields &b2% &einterest.'
- ' &eFrom &610 &eto &620 &emillion yields &b1% &einterest.'
- ''
- ' &7Max interest: &6300,000'
- ' &8(With 20,000,000 balance)'
- '&6>&m---------------------------------&6<'
- ''
- '&7Max balance: &6100 Million Coins'
- ''
- '&7Cost: &65,000,000 coins'
maximum-balance: 100000000
#What you need to upgrade to this upgrade
coins: 5000000
permission: 'none'
- '&fYou just upgraded to &6Gold Account&f!'
- '&fYour maximum bank balance is now &6100 Million Coins'
- '&fYour maximum interest is now &6300,000 Coins'
deny-message: '&cYou don''t have enough coins to buy this upgrade!'
#You can add and edit more procents and the "first", "second" name of the percentage doesn't really matter
#For the amount of coins a player has it will receive a percentage from the category he is in
#Procents also stack
#For the example below if player has 13 million coins he will receive 2% from 10 million + 1% from 3 million (13 million - 10 million)
percent: 2
minimum-coins: 1
maximum-coins: 10000000
percent: 1
minimum-coins: 10000001
maximum-coins: 20000000