Purse On Death

Purse on Death Info

When you die, by default the plugin will take a certain amount of coins from your purse that is defined in config.

You can define different percents to lose based on different death events!

  #Set this to false if you don't want players to
  #lose coins on death
  use-purse-coins-death: true
  #Use numbers from 0 to 100 for percents
  default-percent: 50
  default-message: '&cYou died and lost %coins% coins from your purse!'
    #Here you can create custom percents for every death cause in the list from the link below
    #If the event is not specified but the use-purse-coins-death is true, it will take
    #the default percent
    #Check death causes at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.html
      death-cause: 'ENTITY_ATTACK'
      percent-to-take: 50
      message-to-give: '&cYou lost %coins% coins for being killed by a mob/player.'
      death-cause: 'VOID'
      percent-to-take: 50
      message-to-give: '&cYou lost %coins% coins for falling in the void.'

Last updated