
Some interest understanding help.

Interest is the amount of coins added in a player's bank from time to time, based on how many coins the player has in it.

Interest is calculated based on bank upgrades. Those contain these configuration sections named percentages. A percentage looks like this:

        percent: 2
        minimum-coins: 1
        maximum-coins: 10000000

This percentage translates to: "For the interval of coins 1 - 10,000,000 you will receive 2%" If you have more than that interval, the extra is ignored. If we add another percentage like this:

        percent: 2
        minimum-coins: 1
        maximum-coins: 10000000
        percent: 1
        minimum-coins: 10000001
        maximum-coins: 20000000

Besides the first percentage we explained, the second percentage takes care of the 10,000,001 - 20,000,000 interval, giving 1% for the amount of coins between it but at the same time stacking with the first percentage. If the player has 20,000,000 coins the interest will be 2% of 10,000,000 + 1% of 20,000,000. If the player has more than 20,000,00 the interest remains the same unless a third interval is added.

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