Some menus info
Items from all menus (except shops) are movable. Although you can't add extra items or remove existing ones.
Items are also very configurable, from material to name and lore.
The menus can also have whatever number of rows you want, editable inside the config.
Background glass is editable as well and it could be removed.
title: '&8Personal Bank'
use-background-glass: true
background-glass-color: 15
size: 36
item-id: '54'
slot: 11
name: '&aDeposit Coins'
#Use %interest-cooldown% for the cooldown (format example: 2 Days)
#Use %interest-cooldown-detailed% for the detailed cooldown (format example: 2 Days 3 Hours 1 Minute)
#Use %interest-cooldown-short% for the short cooldown (format example: 2d3h1m)
- '&7Current balance: &6%balance%'
- ''
- '&7Store coins in the bank to'
- '&7keep them safe while you go'
- '&7on adventures!'
- ''
- '&7Until interest: &b%interest-cooldown%'
- ''
- '&eClick to make a deposit!'
item-id: '158'
slot: 13
name: '&aWithdraw Coins'
- '&7Current balance: &6%balance%'
- ''
- '&7Take your coins out of the'
- '&7bank in order to spend'
- '&7them.'
- ''
- '&eClick to withdraw coins'
item-id: '358:0'
slot: 15
name: '&aTransaction History'
#Use %symbol% for +/-
#Use %transaction-coins% for the amount of coins from that transaction
#Use %transaction-countdown% for the time elapsed from the creation of the transaction
#Use %player-name% for the name of the one who made the transaction (it could also be bank interest)
lore-structure: '%symbol% &6%transaction-coins%&7, &e%transaction-countdown% &7by &b%player-name%'
bank-interest-name: '&7Bank Interest'
- '&7You have no transactions'
- '&7to display.'
item-id: '166'
slot: 31
name: '&cClose'
lore: []
item-id: '76'
slot: 32
name: '&aInformation'
#Use %balance-limit% for the current bank limit (taken from bank upgrade)
#Use %interest-value% for the amount of coins the player will receive on interest
#Use %interest-cooldown% for the cooldown (format example: 2 Days)
#Use %interest-cooldown-detailed% for the detailed cooldown (format example: 2 Days 3 Hours 1 Minute)
#Use %interest-cooldown-short% for the short cooldown (format example: 2d3h1m)
- '&7Keep your coins safe in the bank!'
- '&7You lose half the coins in your'
- '&7purse when dying.'
- ''
- '&7Balance limit: &6%balance-limit%'
- ''
- '&7The banker rewards you every 31'
- '&7hours with &binterest &7for the'
- '&7coins in your bank balance.'
- ''
- '&7Interest in: &b%interest-cooldown%'
- '&7Projected: &6%interest-value% coins'
item-id: '41'
slot: 35
name: '&6Bank Upgrades'
- '&7Are you so rich that you can''t'
- '&7even store your coins?'
- ''
- '&7Current account: %account-name%'
- '&7Bank limit: &6%balance-limit%'
- ''
- '&eClick to view upgrades!'
Last updated
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