Coins Bags

A little coins bags extra help.

Coins Bags are used as item currency (partially). They can be traded and their role is to hold coins in it for when the right time comes. Why use coins bags? Well you can't lose them by death events that take coins. Exception make cases in which the player doesn't have keep inventory and the bag just drops like a normal item.

Coins bags could be obtained by players by withdrawing via coins bag or via command /coinsbag get which transforms a certain amount of coins from the player's purse into a coins bag.

Coins bags have a minimum coins requirement as well as a maximum coins limit. Both are configurable. Although, you can bypass those limits by using the command /coinsbag give.

The bag is claimed by right clicking it, which will automatically add the coins from bags into the player's purse.

  #You can only use textures
  money-bag-skin: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzk2Y2UxM2ZmNjE1NWZkZjMyMzVkOGQyMjE3NGM1ZGU0YmY1NTEyZjFhZGVkYTFhZmEzZmMyODE4MGYzZjcifX19'
  full-inventory-message: '&cYour inventory is full! I don''t have where to put the bag.'
  #ATTENTION! If you give money bags using /moneybag give the limits don't matter (minimum-amount & maximum-amount)
  #The minimum amount of coins the bag needs to have
  minimum-amount: 500
  minimum-message: '&fLess than &6500 coins &fdon''t need a bag, just carry them in your purse.'
  #The maximum amount of coins the bag can hold
  maximum-amount: 500000
  maximum-message: '&fThe bag can hold maximum &6500,000 coins&f! It would tear otherwise.'
  money-bag-click: '&fYou collected &6%amount% coins &ffrom a bag!'
  money-bag-name: '&6Bag of Coins'
  #Use %amount% for the amount of coins the bag contains
    - '&7This is a bag that'
    - '&7stores coins! It can'
    - '&7store up to &6500k coins&7!'
    - ''
    - '&7It contains'
    - '&6%amount% coins&7!'
    - ''
    - '&eClick to add coins'
    - '&eto your purse!'

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